There are around 700,000 people on the autism spectrum in the UK – that’s more than 1 in 100. If you include their families, autism is a part of daily life for 2.8 million people. Autism affect children, young people and adults. Source: NHS Information Centre, Community and Mental Health Team See the National Autistic Society…Read moreRead more
Autism is a part of daily life for 2.8 million people
More than 1 in 10 children with special educational needs has a diagnosis of autism
More than one in ten (11%) of children with special educational needs in state funded schools has a diagnosis of autism. The number of Statements/EHC Plans that list autism as the primary need increased by 3% between 2010 and 2013. Source: Special educational needs in England published in January 2014 by DfE (more…)
As many as 1 in 10 children experience Dyspraxia
Dyspraxia is a lifelong condition relating to how the brain processes information; resulting in messages not being properly or fully transmitted. It is a lifelong condition which may affect fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults. It may also affect speech. It occurs across the range of intellectual abilities. Estimates put the number of…Read moreRead more
More than 6 million people in the UK have dyslexia
An estimated 6.3 million (about 1 in 10 ) people in the UK have dyslexia, a learning difficulty which makes it hard to read and spell. It is identified as a disability in the Equality Act 2010. Dyslexia cannot be cured or prevented, but can be managed. About 4% of people have severe dyslexia; they may also…Read moreRead more
More than 1.5m Children in Unsupported Families with Complex Needs
There are an estimated 1.6 million children in families in England with complex needs for which there is no national established, recognised form of support according to the Office of the Children’s Commissioner. That includes, for example, children in families in which parents have mental health issues, or are facing domestic violence, or are living in…Read moreRead more
More than 1 in 4 Children May be Disabled by Poverty…
More than a quarter of children in the UK are affected by family poverty. That means missing out on things other children may take for granted – warm homes, new clothes, school trips, having friends over for tea; and they are more vulnerable to social exclusion. They do less well at school and earn less as adults. …Read moreRead more