Thanks to All who helped develop CQ’s bid to the West Midlands Commonwealth Inclusive Communities Fund in 2023. We submitted the bid early this new year. Please help us spread the word and press the case for funding SEND kids in the West Midlands. If successful, our bid will fund Fit Together – a project sitting…Read moreRead more
Fit Together
Children’s Quarter AGM 2023 Notice

Friday 7 July 2023 9.15am-lunchtime at All Saints Centre, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 7RA CQ is a co-operative: it depends on members’ involvement and holds Members’ Meetings throughout the year. The Annual Meeting gives member groups the chance to: hold the elected Board to account and to vote in Directors to represent them for the…Read moreRead more
Children’s Quarter AGM – 19 May 11am
Welcome to our AGM! Children’s Quarter is a cooperative with: Members that are groups or organisations – they get a vote in decisions Individual supporters – they don’t get a vote but can join in everything else we do a set of Rules – which describe our organisation as a non-profit company based on cooperative…Read moreRead more
Fit for All Update and Benefits & Food Advice
CQ Members and groups delivering Bring it on Brum sessions for children during the Easter holidays in Birmingham are welcome to join us for the weekly Zoom update on preparations for delivery. As well as a catch-up, we’ll be looking at signposting families to benefits advice and sharing tips for including nutrition messages in sessions…Read moreRead more
School-Community Partnerships Could Coproduce Better Outcomes for SEND Children
Children’s Quarter is promoting the case for formalising and supporting the school-community partnerships that some of our members – both schools and community groups – have been coproducing for years. What we mean by a school-community partnership is an arrangement between one or more schools and one or more community groups to collaborate to support…Read moreRead more
Bridge to Better Local Offer
CQ Members and Supporters follow up on their Campaign for a Better Local Offer on December 3 with representatives of local councils and John Coughlan, the newly appointed Government Commissioner for SEND Services in Birmingham invited. Ofsted’s SEND Local Area Inspection Reports found: in Birmingham, that the City Council was: still without a strategy; still not…Read moreRead more