Cooperative Learning

Set the priorities for CQ’s training timetable by sharing your training needs (and expertise).  Please also say if you have a venue where you’d like to host courses.  Cooperative Learning benefits CQ Members first – through cheaper courses and local access to training.  However, even if you aren’t (yet) a Member of Children’s Quarter, you…Read moreRead more

Short Breaks Briefing

CQ Member’s Briefing POSTPONED FROM  6 September  Birmingham is reshaping its Short Breaks service for disabled children and carers.  After a Summer consultation with parents and carers and a review by Council for Disabled Children, the City Council Cabinet is expected to consider a report setting out a new approach to providing the service in…Read moreRead more

Funding Zooms September 2023

Funding Zooms are free to Member groups – and lead to results.  Sign up for September’s online briefings for members and supporters: 11 Sept 10-11am  Fit for All  for existing members of the HAF-funded consortium looking at final claims and getting registers complete for the Summer. 12 Sept 4-5pm  Young Adults Employment and Enterprise Proposal…Read moreRead more

Get-Ahead Space

Welcome to Children’s Quarter’s Annual Members’ Meeting on July 7 AM and Lunch at All Saints Centre, Kings Heath, Birmingham.  The event is coupled with workshops; a community choir; and a magic show: the Get-Ahead Space aims to give participants shared space for creative thinking.  At Get-Ahead on Friday 7 July, CQ members and guests…Read moreRead more

Children’s Quarter AGM 2023 Notice

Friday 7 July 2023 9.15am-lunchtime at All Saints Centre, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 7RA CQ is a co-operative: it depends on members’ involvement and holds Members’ Meetings throughout the year.  The Annual Meeting gives member groups the chance to: hold the elected Board to account and to vote in Directors to represent them for the…Read moreRead more

Join CQ for an Adventure at Ackers 9th February 11am-1pm

NOTE: THIS LEARN FOR REAL EVENT WILL START AT 11AM NOT 10AM AS PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED Part of CQ’s Learn for Real series: this date is your chance to study a green gem – the 75 acre outdoor activity centre overlooking Birmingham city centre that is The Ackers. As well as ski and toboggan slopes, climbing walls,…Read moreRead more

People Power – sharing skills for inclusion

Children’s Quarter is a cooperative alliance that brings people together… as staff, volunteers, parents and carers, trustees, funders, researchers and policy-makers, children and young people. We all have skills, ideas, experience and passion that translate – through the groups and organisations that make up the CQ Co-op and the services we run – into social…Read moreRead more

Learn For Real at Coronation Road

We know that access to suitable spaces and venues limits our Members’ ability to provide inclusive services for children and young people.  At the same time, CQ Members and others have spaces they share.  This informal session over brunch 10-11.30am looks at sharing space and developing shared space for inclusion: making more of what we…Read moreRead more

growing UP!

1 in 4 children is disabled or made vulnerable to exclusion by the way we manage the process of growing up.  Changing that experience depends on families, communities and services working together.   We’re hearing from parents, professionals, employers and young people sharing insights and experience of giving children and young people: more resilience; easier transitions; better…Read moreRead more

Do We Need a Better Local Offer?

We think SEND children, young people and their families in Birmingham should have a better Local Offer. Join us by Zoom on 8th and 22nd July to share your experience… The City Council has been given funds by government to improve the Local Offer. The Council says it wil use most of this money to…Read moreRead more