SEND National Crisis – Birmingham 30 May

SEND National Crisis Birmingham Victoria Square 30th May 12-3pm

Children’s Quarter is supporting the SEND Crisis National Day of Action on 30 May in Birmingham. The event has been organised by local parents as part of a national protest against the crisis in school funding facing children with education special needs and disability.

The Birmingham event takes place in Victoria Square, Birmingham 12-3pm on Thursday 30 May. Music, games, poetry, crafts, singing and speeches, including by Jack Dromey MP and Children’s Quarter director, Laura Watts, are included. Parents, carers, young people, families, school staff and friends are invited to take part in this inclusive and collaborative celebration of SEND children – and protest at the cuts!

The event opens at noon with speeches by organisers Kate Taylor and Dhi Whale who are followed by live music, drumming and poetry including from Switch – a band made up of young musicians with additional needs – and Birmingham poets Matt Man Windle and Spoz. There will be short speeches from Councillor Kath Scott, Laura Watts (Children’s Quarter), Rachel Gardner (We Love Carers), Jack Dromey MP, children and parents. The afternoon finishes with a performance by the Signing Choir – with songs performed in BSL by adults and children.

For more information see Facebook SEND Crisis March – Birmingham; or Twitter @SEND_crisis

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