Schools & Communities – Cooperating for Inclusion Nov 20 Birmingham

Join Tim Brighouse, Mick Waters and Children’s Quarter Member Groups at this event looking at how schools and communities can work together better for vulnerable children.  The Children’s Quarter Co-operative is aiming to develop and launch a charter describing how schools and communities can work together better, at the event on November 20.



Sir Tim Brighouse is known in Birmingham as an inspirational Education Chief Officer and leading educationalist who later became Schools Commissioner for London.  Whilst he was at Birmingham, he was described by then Conservative Education Secretary as a “madman….wandering the streets, frightening the children”. Brighouse sued and won substantial damages, which he donated to charity. He used some of it to set up the University of the First Age, to encourage out of hours activities to enrich school children’s learning.

Mick Waters is Professor of Education at Wolverhampton University; an ex-headteacher, who served as Director of Curriculum at the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and is an influential figure in education.  He has worked to raise aspirations in the community and the leadership of schools and has written widely on schools and education policy. His 2013 book Thinking Allowed questioned whether the school system is fit for the purpose of helping all pupils achieve their potential.

Children’s Quarter Members – including schools and community groups that are involved in making education more inclusive and fit for those vulnerable children and young people who do not ‘fit the box’ of standard expectations – will present case studies and lead the debate on how schools can cooperate with each other and communities to benefit vulnerable children.

The Children’s Quarter Co-operative aims to work with participants to develop and launch a charter for schools and communities describing how each can work better to support vulnerable children.

The event is generously supported by Birmingham City University as part of the partnership between Children’s Quarter and the Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education (CSPACE) at the University.  It takes place at Birmingham City University’s Curzon Street campus on Eastside in Birmingham City Centre on 20 November 10-1pm with lunch to follow.  Children’s Quarter Members, Supporters and BCU staff and students have priority booking for limited spaces.  Individuals can join as CQ Supporters and groups can join as Members from as little as £10.  So, if you aren’t already a Supporter or part of a Member group then, you can join now and get priority booking at this and future events… and add your support to the Children’s Quarter co-operative!

book your place(s) here

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It costs £10 to join Children’s Quarter as a Supporter.  Groups and organisations can join as Members for between £10 and £80/year depending on their size.  For Details About How to Join CQ click the box above.

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