Adventure Play for Children with Additional Needs Takes Off!

Adventure play for the over-8s with additional needs in Birmingham and Solihull takes off this Summer thanks to Meriden Adventure Playground Association (MAPA), other Children’s Quarter member groups and CQ’s Inclusion Fusions scheme that has enabled them to work cooperatively on the scheme.

Adventure play offers children and young people opportunities to play ‘for real’ – using parts and props to create their own play environment; experimenting with the elements; scaling giant play equipment; letting their imagination run riot.  These sessions for children over 8 years old with additional needs must be booked in advance and will run 10.30-12.30 and 2-4pm on the following Mondays: 29 July; 5 August; 12 August; 19 August.  Families can meet the team that will be staffing the sessions at 10.30am on Monday 22 July.  Call 0121 441 2207 for enquiries and to make bookings.

Inclusion Fusion is a Children’s Quarter initiative which enables community organisations and others to work together cooperatively to provide new inclusive services in new places, or to make existing services more inclusive of ALL children including those with additional needs.  The Adventure Play scheme has been supported by BBC Children in Need and the Lottery Community Fund.


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