Children’s Quarter Members meet on 12 September at the Factory Youth Centre, Longbridge. You’re welcome and so are your guests – so please do join us? We’ll be hearing from member groups; creating space for catch-ups; and, this time, focusing on inclusive youth services.
CQ Member groups Seven Up and ATHAC have both been highlighting how Youth Services should include disabled young people and young people with additional needs. CQ has been supporting their campaign to help Youth Services give a more inclusive welcome to the 1 in 4 young people that this affects. We say – ‘Services that suit our young people, serve all young people better.’ We’ll be reviewing expertise in inclusive youth work of Children’s Quarter Members and inviting council colleagues to make more and better use of what our Members can offer.
Whether your group is focused on young people (11-25 years) or not, join us and other CQ Members for the chat and a chance to meet old – and new – friends and allies. The September CQ Members’ Meeting is 10-12.30 on Monday 12 September at The Factory, 5 Devon Way, Longbridge B31 2TW.
Laura at Children’s Quarter is organising the meeting – email or fill out the form below to book your places or get in touch with queries or if you would like to present a case study: