Fit for All is CQ’s main consortium project delivering inclusive holiday activities and healthy meals to around 5000 children and young people in Birmingham each year. Many CQ Members have been involved in delivering Fit for All over the past few years. If you haven’t, or if you want to know more about the project,…Read moreRead more
Fit for All 2024

Youth Worker(s)
All Saints Youth Project, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Kings Heath Birmingham All Saints Youth Project is an established, community-based provision based in All Saints Centre. We deliver a range of support and activities for young people aged 11 to 21 years old (25 with additional needs) and their families since 1988. We have grown from an…Read moreRead more
Funding Focus – 30 Sept
Join September’s CQ Funding Focus Zoom call online on Friday 30th September 10.30-11.30am to look at the latest grant opportunities for projects and groups aiming to help disabled and vulnerable children, young people and their families. Participants will also get a guided tour of the revised Member Funding Service and be able to renew access…Read moreRead more
News (more…)
Making Puppets
Help Mould Children’s Quarter

Children’s Quarter participants are meeting on Thursday 9 Feb to take the next step in setting it up. Representatives from 20 groups are expected to come to the meeting at Birmingham City University’s Seacole Building in Edgbaston. They will discuss principles of equality and cooperation and aim to agree the basis for Children’s Quarter which will…Read moreRead more
Why Children’s Quarter is Needed

Birmingham is one of the youngest cities in the United Kingdom The ‘median’ (average) age of citizens in UK cities can be compared below: Birmingham 32 years Bristol 33 years Liverpool 33 years London …Read moreRead more