Admission to fun football sessions which include children and young people with additional needs is free in Kings Heath Park this summer thanks to Football Fun-atics. They are supported by Happy Healthy Holidays and – with Children’s Quarter – helping to ensure Birmingham’s healthy exercise and eating program for children and young people is accessible…Read moreRead more
Happy Healthy Holidays
Football Fun-atics in Kings Heath Park
Shining Stars at the Chinese Community Centre – Birmingham
Summer activities for children with additional needs from the Chinese community are being coordinated by Children’s Quarter member – Shining Stars Association. Shining Stars is the group for families and children with additional needs from the Chinese Community in Birmingham. They are based at the Chinese Community Centre – Birmingham on Bradford Street in Digbeth. …Read moreRead more
Summer Sessions at Victoria School
Sessions for children and young people at Victoria School and Specialist Art College and Cherry Oak School are running this summer at Victoria School, Northfield as part of the Happy Healthy Holidays program funded by central government and organised in Birmingham by a consortium of local groups. The program aims to give the children in…Read moreRead more
Seven Up Summer Play in the Secret Garden
The Secret Garden by Rookery Children’s Centre is the location for Seven Up’s Summer Playscheme – inclusive and adventurous play. physical activity and healthy eating – this summer. It’s part of the Happy Healthy Holidays program which is funded by government and organised in Birmingham by Sport Birmingham, the Accord Group and The Active Wellbeing…Read moreRead more
Extended Summer Sessions at Baskerville School
Baskerville School students have an opportunity as part of Birmingham’s Happy Healthy Holidays program to attend extended summer sessions where they can enjoy sports, games and healthy food. The scheme runs 22-26 July at the school in Harborne. Baskerville School is a special school for students aged 11 to 19 years, with autistic spectrum disorders…Read moreRead more
Parks for Play Summer Sessions
Summer Play at Uffculme School, Moseley has been organised by local charity Parks for Play as part of Birmingham’s Happy Healthy Holidays program. Parks for Play was set up to provide opportunities for children and young people who are disabled or who have additional needs and has been organising inclusive play in parks, schools, streets,…Read moreRead more