Gear Up for SEND is a welcoming channel for parents/carers and community-based providers of services to children and young people with SEND. The first series is led by Nasreen Hussain of Birmingham Education Advisory Service. It’s supported by Birmingham Parent Carer Forum and Dens of Equality and produced by Children’s Quarter.

On selected Tuesdays in April in May 2024 Nasreen Hussain (ex-Birmingham SENDIASS) will be leading parents/carers of SEND children and young people through topics including:

  • EHCPs and SEND Need Assessments;
  • SEND Annual Reviews;
  • SENDIST Appeals and Tribunals;
  • Transport to School for disabled children and young people.

Each session focuses on legal rights and on how things work in practice – in particular in Birmingham and the West Midlands. Gear Up sessions are free to join.

Notes from each of the sessions in series 1 can be downloaded below alongside the presentation used after each session:

Session 1Tuesday 9th April 10.00 to 12 noon

Education Health Care (EHC) Needs Assessments and EHC Plans (EHCPs) – the Legal Tests

Download NOTES (PDF)

Download PRESENTATION (Powerpoint)

Flick through the presentation:

Session 2 – Tuesday 16th April 10.00 to 12 noon

Annual Reviews – the Annual Review Meeting and Local Authority Role in reviewing EHCPs

Download NOTES (PDF)

Download PRESENTATION (Powerpoint)

Flick through the presentation:

Session 3 – Tuesday 14 May 10.00 to 12 noon

SEND Tribunals and Appeals – forms, procedures, evidence and outcomes

Download PRESENTATION (Powerpoint)

Flick through the presentation:

Session 4 – Tuesday 21 May 10.00 to 12 noon

Home to School Transport – for SEND Children and Young People

Download PRESENTATION (Powerpoint)

Further information, book places and keep in touch

Gear Up sessions are NOT recorded. This is because:

  1. we want everyone who takes part to be able to do so without feeling inhibited or judged
  2. we want to help build Gear Up to be a mutual club of support.

We believe that the support and help that young people, parents/carers and communities need starts at home. That is, in and between ourselves. It doesn’t start with schools or services, lawyers or local authorities. We, together, are the way people of all abilities can enjoy happy lives. The purpose of Gear Up is to share know-how, but is also to build community. Please join us – the first step is to leave your details below: