Fit Together

Thanks to All who helped develop CQ’s bid to the West Midlands Commonwealth Inclusive Communities Fund in 2023. We submitted the bid early this new year.  Please help us spread the word and press the case for funding SEND kids in the West Midlands. 

If successful, our bid will fund Fit Together – a project sitting alongside Fit for All and HAF funding in Solihull and which will provide:

  • £165k additional funding for Fit for All delivery partners including funding to support provision to young people with complex needs
  • £25k for a training programme and ‘Get Together’ networking and training event in June 24
  • £63k for enrichment activities during Summer 2024 and a public exhibition (‘Our Common Wealth’) of art and achievement by young people participating in Fit for All in November 24
  • £15k for a project supporting providers around mental health and wellbeing
  • £23k for dedicated project support at CQ to help Fit for All providers and deal with admin/project monitoring etc.

We know the competition for this money will be tough and we’re asking for a significant amount of funding for SEND children.  We think that they – and the families and communities that support our children – are worth it.  Please do share information about the Fit Together proposal including on social media; download the summary as a PDF and order a copy of the proposal using the form below:

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