CQ Member, St Pauls Trust, is offering two day Designated Safeguarding Lead and a day DSL Refresher courses on Thursdays 19th/26th January and 2nd February respectively.
DSL Training 19th/26th January
The certified 2-day DSL training course will qualify you with the necessary knowledge required to be a competent Safeguarding Lead in your setting. You will understand your responsibility as the first point of contact for safeguarding concerns and be able to follow the Early Help and Child Protection procedures with confidence. The course covers current legislation in line with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ that underpins practice and involves exercises and collaborative group work using case studies and serious case reviews to support learning.
Thursday 19th & 26th Jan 2023 9.00am – 2.30pm Venture Building, 10 Malvern Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, B12 8NN Cost: £175 per person Light refreshments provided.
DSL Refresher 2nd February
The certified one day refresher course is for existing Designated Safeguarding Leads. It is designed to refresh and update knowledge on the Early Help and Child Protection Procedures. Updated in line with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ 2022. The course covers current legislation that in line with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ that underpins practice and involves exercises and collaborative group work using case studies and Serious Case Reviews to support learning.
Thursday 2nd February 2023 9.00am – 2.30pm Venture Building, 10 Malvern Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, B12 8NN Cost: £95 per person Light refreshments provided.
For information and a booking form email Ruksana at St Pauls Trust