Help Children’s Quarter to map the provision of services for children and young people in Birmingham and the West Midlands.
Children’s Quarter is partnering with Birmingham City University’s Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education (CSPACE) to map services for children and young people in Birmingham and the West Midlands. In particular, the survey looks at how services include children and young people with disabilities and additional needs.
Groups and organisations which provide services to children and young people can take part by completing the short CQ/CSPACE survey (using the key word children when prompted). The survey is aimed primarily at providers of youth and play services, but we would like to hear from any organisation that provides a service to children and young people. That includes: youth and play services, schools, sports clubs, arts bodies, recreational clubs, museums and galleries, transport providers, community centres and resident groups, festival organisers, centres of entertainment, cultural services, relevant bodies affiliated to faith groups and includes voluntary and community provided services as well as statutory and for-profit services.
We’d like to look at what there is, understand how providers plan to grow or expand and hopefully identify opportunities for Children’s Quarter to support development of inclusive practice so that more services are more inclusive of ALL local children and young people. Responses to the survey will be analysed by colleagues at Birmingham City University to help Children’s Quarter to better understand provision across the city region and to inform development and action planning. All comments and information provided by you will be anonymised and will not be attributed to you or your institution.
We aim to report on initial findings from the survey at the Children’s Quarter launch on Monday 20th November – so please have a go at completing the SURVEY by Friday 10 November.