Chatter Box Play Chain is an immediate response to tackle increased isolation, strengthen sharing and connections, create playful diversions and ensure families with vulnerable children receive vital support and provisions during the pandemic. Over 20 Children’s Quarter members are constructing an expanding safety net for over 500 vulnerable children, young people and their families. Members groups are checking in with families by phone and distributing play packs with doorstep exchange. They are responding to requests for food deliveries, recognizing need and providing or signposting to additional support. Over 5000 play packs, are being created and over 2500 have already been distributed with fantastic feedback. Children’s Quarter is continuing to seek funding to sustain the wonderful collaboration in which member groups have pooled resources and funding.
We’re delivering Play Packs to children and young people with additional needs and their families during the coronavirus lock-down. Packs are being put together and delivered by staff and volunteers from Children’s Quarter member groups .
Some of the packs we’re delivering:
Mud Kitchen and Gardening Pack
Activities to try:
Explore your senses using re-imagined objects found in and around the home put together to make a sensory panel Video with the Glue Collective
Baking Bread Monsters (using the Cook Up pack). Video with Charlotte Stokes
This art form uses all the found papers you can search out, selecting, arranging ad sticking down to make pictures, a cover for a scrap book or to cover a box or even a piece of furniture. Video with Giles Leaman
Making drums with tubes and tins and yoghurt pots and other items of junk. Video with Giles Leaman
Make your own popcorn using the ingredients in the Cook Up pack. Video with Charlotte Stokes
Make rainbow shakers to shake your support for the NHS from old cardboard and rice, lentils, chick peas, pasta, shells or bottle tops. Video with Giles Leaman
Mud, Mud, Marvellous Mud – using the Mud Kitchen & Gardening pack. Resource sheet by Glue Collective
Papier Mache Heads – making models from a toilet roll, small cup of water, three large spoon of white flour and some torn newspaper. And you’ll need a plastic container. Video with Giles Leaman
Sow Some Seeds – a guide to get you growing (using the Mud Kitchen & Gardening pack). Resource sheet by Glue Collective
Making Puppets
Making puppets out of junk. Video with Giles Leaman