Friday 15 November 2024
In this mailing, news for CQ Members about:
Fit for All at Christmas 2024 (Updated 18 Nov)
Funding for Existing work with Disabled Young Adults
Free and Low-Cost Training Opportunities
If you aren’t a Childrens Quarter Member or Associate yet, please have a look round at some of the added value Members get and look into joining CQ.
Short Breaks
Contracts for providing short breaks for disabled children and families in Birmingham are being re-commissioned by Birmingham City Council and Birmingham Children’s Trust. CQ has been active in engaging with the re-commissioning process on behalf of community providers. The bidding window for these contracts is now expected to open next week – commencing Monday 18 Nov). The total value of the contracts is just under £2m per year for at least the next three years.
Note: Short Breaks in Solihull are delivered by SoLO (Social Life Opportunities) and the contract is not currently up for tender. In Sandwell, Short Breaks contracts are delivered by a number of organisations, including KIDS, and are being recommissioned with a deadline for bids on Friday 22 November.
Book below for the CQ Zoom Briefing on the Short Breaks Tender in Birmingham Thursday 21st 5-6pm
Fit for All
We have now had confirmation of a £50k allocation of HAF funding for Fit for All delivery during the Christmas school holidays. We should find out later this week about the success of an additional supplementary proposal focusing on activities for 12-16 year olds.
There are CQ Zoom Briefings on Fit for All next week:
Weds 12.30-1.30pm for New Groups and anyone who would like a (re)introduction to the project
Weds 5-6pm and Thurs 10-11am for all Members who are taking part at Christmas.
If you do want to take part in delivering HAF funded Fit for All sessions at Christmas please either book on to one of the sessions above, or email Paul at CQ to sort out an alternative time that suits you better.
Book below for one of the CQ Zoom Briefings on Fit for All at Christmas Wednesday 20th or Thursday 21st
Full Potential
CQ has bid successfully for £45k from the Fairer Futures Citywide Fund for Birmingham. Our proposal, Full Potential, will provide some funding for existing work by Members with disabled young adults and their families.
There will be a CQ Zoom Briefing on Full Potential on Mon 25 November 5-6pm. If you would like to find out more, please join the briefing.
Book below for the CQ Zoom Briefing on Full Potential Monday 25th November 5-6pm
CQ’s training programme through to April 2025 will be finalised and circulated later this month. It will include free or low cost training for Members in: Safeguarding; Pediatric First Aid; ADHD Awareness; Autism Awareness; Food Hygiene; Manual Handling/Using a Hoist; Inclusive Play; and Inclusive Youth Work. We aim to programme further free and low cost short courses in addition.
Share the cost of training
CQ can help organise and underwrite the cost of shared training where several Members request it. Please get in touch if you are interested in shared training including:
- Paediatric First Aid
- Supporting Positive Behaviour/ Team Teach
- Young People Mental Health First Aid.
Please email Paul at CQ if you are interested in hosting or sharing training for these or any other courses.