Children’s Quarter is the co-operative alliance for groups and organisations which want to see ALL children and young people included in society. Joining gives you access to funding; shared resources; influence; and support. Any group or organisation can join – so long as you are committed to social inclusion for children and young people and want to work cooperatively to achieve it. Individuals can join – either as supporters or as Members if they represent a small, unconstituted group. You can join wherever you are based. We’re based in Birmingham in England. The cost each year is: £25 for a group or organisation; and £10 for an individual.


The benefits of belonging to Children’s Quarter are access:

to funding through joint bids – Members have shared more than £300,000 from Children’s Quarter in the last two years. Have a look at the Fit for All website for an example of a cooperative bid that is bringing funding to Members.

to shared resources and skills – Members can share seconded staff, venues, training, information, advice and know-how through the coop. Check out our Learn for Real events and Inclusion Fusion for examples.

to more influence – Members can be part of joint campaigns and use the coop to multiply the impact of messages they want heard and acted on. See what Members have been doing around a Better Local Offer in Birmingham.

to informal support and mentoring – Members make friends as well as working together to make the world better. Look at our recent events to see how we’re keeping in touch.

Cooperation for Social Inclusion

We believe making sure ALL children and young people are able to benefit fully from being a part of society and contribute fully to its future is an aim that many groups and organisations share. The Children’s Quarter offer is to put that into practise by joining a cooperative alliance around that ideal. All organisations are welcome to join – large or small; and regardless of the way they are set up; and what else they exist to do. You don’t have to be a cooperative to join Children’s Quarter; you just have to be prepared to cooperate with others for the social inclusion of children and young people. Our members and supporters include charities, schools, social enterprises, community groups, public services and businesses with a social conscience.

Can individuals join?

Yes – individuals can join as Members if they represent a small group which may not yet be constituted. People can also join the coop as a Supporter. Members get one vote each in any decisions made by the coop and can nominate people to serve on the the Board of the coop. Supporters don’t get a vote, but they can speak and take part in the business of the coop in every other way including by standing to be part of the Children’s Quarter Board.

Why ‘Children’s Quarter’?

Birmingham in the West Midlands is where we are based. This is a city in which more than a quarter of citizens are children and young people. About a quarter of children and young people in the city are disabled or are recognised in terms set out by the UK Children’s Commissioner as vulnerable. That’s why we are ‘Children’s Quarter’. Even though we started in Birmingham, we have members of the coop and supporters from further afield. Groups can join wherever they are based: the same issues of exclusion face children and young people – and those who are disabled and vulnerable in particular – wherever they live.

The Cost

It costs £25 for a group to join Children’s Quarter as a Member. It costs £10 for a person to join either as the named representative of a very small unconstituted group or as a Supporter. The fee is charged annually in April.


Link for further information about joining Children’s Quarter, or complete the enquiry form below:

Joining CQ as a Member costs £25. Joining as the representative of a small unconstituted group costs £10. Joining as an individual supporter costs £10.
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