Free Play for Children Facing Social Exclusion

Birmingham Freedom Project and Parks for Play are cooperating to provide free summer play for children who are at risk of being socially excluded at St Bede’s church, Brandwood as part of Birmingham’s Healthy Happy Holidays. program.  The sessions run on Tuesdays 6, 13 and 20 August 10.30am – 1pm and offer fabulous free play and…Read moreRead more

In the ‘Average’ Classroom of 30 Children…

3 children would be living with limiting long-term conditions 8 children have a parent with mental health problems and 1 child would be living in a household where both parents have serious mental health problems 3 children would have relatively serious mental health issues themselves 1 child would be caring for their parents or siblings…Read moreRead more

More than 1.5m Children in Unsupported Families with Complex Needs

There are an estimated 1.6 million children in families in England with complex needs for which there is no national established, recognised form of support according to the Office of the Children’s Commissioner.  That includes, for example, children in families in which parents have mental health issues, or are facing domestic violence, or are living in…Read moreRead more