More than 1 in 4 Children May be Disabled by Poverty…

More than a quarter of children in the UK are affected by family poverty.  That means missing out on things other children may take for granted – warm homes, new clothes, school trips, having friends over for tea; and they are more vulnerable to social exclusion.  They do less well at school and earn less as adults.  That means we all miss out: the disabling effect of child poverty means fewer adults are able to reach their potential – and society in future is weaker as a result.

Some of the highest levels of Child Poverty are in parts of Birmingham and the Black Country.  In Birmingham Ladywood 53% of children grow up in poverty.  In Hodge Hill, the figure is 52%.  In Hall Green, it is 48%; in Perry Barr 43%; in Yardley and in Warley, it is 40%; in Wolverhampton South East, 38%; in Walsall North 37%; and in West Bromwich, 35% of children are growing up in poverty.

Child Poverty Action Group produces Child Poverty facts and figures and End Child Poverty produces an interactive map showing levels of Child Poverty across the country.


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