Sports to Inclusion – 24 Jan 10-12.30, Hamstead Hall

We’re looking into how schools, groups and organisations are making opportunities for inclusion through sport and physical activity. One quarter of Birmingham children and young people are at risk of being left out from the mainstream- through disability, mental health or other needs, and a wide range of other factors; Children’s Quarter members and supporters explain and discuss how sport and physical activity can help vulnerable young people stay included.

Julie Gibson – Inclusion Manager at Hamstead Hall Academy; Amy Bird of Sport Birmingham; and Cllr Lisa Trickett, chair of the Active Wellbeing Society, will be leading the conversation. Hamstead Hall is a mixed comprehensive school in Handsworth Wood which is committed to inclusion.  Sport Birmingham is the leading local sports charity working to improve people’s lives by creating accessible opportunities for sports and physical activity including through The Birmingham Disability Sports Forum.  The Active Wellbeing Society is the co-op that aims to enable people and communities to get active together, making happier, healthier people and places. It is grounded in the communities in Birmingham where change needs to take place the most, where inequalities are at their highest. There will be opportunities for all to contribute, discuss, network and to try out some archery and climbing – courtesy of Hamstead Hall’s Inclusion Programme who are our hosts for the event.

The draft agenda is:

10am refreshments and introductions by Children’s Quarter

10.20 Hamstead Hall Academy Inclusion – Julie Gibson

10.40 Birmingham Disability Sport Forum – Amy Bird

11.00 Active Wellbeing Society – Lisa Trickett

11.20 Discussion and information sharing and the chance to try out archery and climbing

12ish Light lunch

The event is free for all and tickets are available on Eventbrite, but if you aren’t a Member or Supporter of Children’s Quarter, please do join us!



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